We are pleased
to announce the formation of the Edinburgh SFPE Student Chapter.
The Edinburgh
SFPE Student Chapter is an association of research students within the BRE
Centre for Fire Safety Engineering at The University of Edinburgh. The Fire
Group of Edinburgh is a world-renowned centre for fire research composed of international
researchers with a multidisciplinary background. The research undertaken by the
members covers the areas of fire science and fire safety engineering.
The foundation
of the Student Chapter was motivated by the opportunity for improved
cooperation among the fire safety engineering students at The University of
Edinburgh and other SFPE Student Chapters, and to increase dissemination of our
research output.
The objectives of the Student Chapter are
- Enhance the existing research environment within the group in order to foster the generation of new ideas and constructive feedback.
- Educate Undergraduate students on the opportunities for further study in the field of fire safety engineering.
- Encourage the involvement of Undergraduate and Master’s students in the group’s on-going research.
- Strengthen the bond between Alumni and current students from The University of Edinburgh.
- Foster collaborative relations with other Student Chapters and fire research groups.
- Establish alternative paths for accessing fire related literature resources.
In order to achieve these objectives, the Student
Chapter will run a series of activities such as seminars, invited speakers and
social events. Seminars will cover fire safety engineering topics and will be
led by lecturers, PhD students and alumni.
The idea for creating this Chapter was
first proposed by our former lecturer and colleague Dr Guillermo Rein who is
currently a senior lecturer in mechanical engineering at Imperial College
London. This idea was seized upon by the
PhD students John Gales, Juan Hidalgo, Shaun Devaney, Ryan Hilditch, Zafiris
Triantafyllidis and Martyn McLaggan supported by Professor Luke Bisby.
The Chapter will commence running
activities and enrolling new students with the beginning of the academic year. On
September 17th we will take the chance to introduce the Chapter to
the Edinburgh student body after the seminar given by John Gales at 1pm in the
AGB Seminar Room.
We would like to invite any student with an
interest in any aspect of fire safety engineering to attend the seminar.
Congratulations to the Edinburgh SFPE Student Chapter.