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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

NFPA Journal Latinoamericano profiles our researchers

The December 2008 issue of the NFPA Journal Latinoamericano published short interviews with three of our researchers, Freddy Jervis, Dr Pedro Reszka, and Prof. Jose Torero.

In the interview, Prof. Torero said (translation of the text in Spanish presented above) "During the years that I have worked in this profession, I have always believed that the model pursued by John Bryan (Univ of Maryland) and David Lucht (WPI) is the model to follow. This model focuses on education and invests the largest possible effort on unconditional support to the new generations. Those who presented my nomination to the Guise Medal, reaffirm in a very personal way, my believe that this model is still standing. This gives me a great satisfaction and helps me to continue the fight for even higher education standards in fire safety engineering".

Prof. Torero received the 2008 Guise Medal during the Annual Meeting of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (his talk was "Fire Protection Engineering: Quo Vadis?").

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